IdeaSolutions S.r.l. Apps

Super Guida TV Gratis
Super Guida TV Gratis è la più completa guidaTV del panorama italiano, da oggi anche con Videoregistratore CloudVcast integrato per registrare programmi del digitale terrestre(per i canali supportati) e rivederli in streaming o scaricarli suldevice.Super Guida TV Gratis offre la programmazione fino a 5 giorni ed èl’unica guida dello store ad offrire informazioni dettagliatissimeper qualsiasi programma trasmesso sulle maggiori piattaformetelevisive (Sky, Mediaset Premium, Rsi, Digitale terrestre).Non si limita infatti a riportare la semplice guida programmi delleemittenti ma offre un’esaustiva descrizione per ciascun eventotrasmesso.Grazie all’integrazione con Twitter, è possibile anche seguire itweets degli utenti per i maggiori programmi di sport edattualità.La chat integrata nell'app permette di commentare i programmi intempo reale.Ove disponibile è possibile attivare la visione in streaming delprogramma.Principali funzionalità:▶ Homepage con panoramica sulla prima e seconda serata, conlocandine Film e locandine Serie TV▶ Tasto REC direttamente all’interno dei singoli programmi (soloper i canali supportati), per registrare velocemente con un solotap.▶ Visualizzazione in streaming dei programmi registrati, conpossibilità di scaricarli sul device.▶ Visualizzazione immediata dei passaggi Film e degli "episodisuccessivi” delle serie TV▶ Scheda completa dei film con trame, locandine, punteggioassegnato dalla critica e cast completo di fotografie, personaggiointerpretato e scheda biografica Wikipedia (ove disponibile)▶ Scheda completa Serie TV con locandine, punteggio, trama serie etrama episodio e cast completo di fotografie, personaggiointerpretato e scheda biografica Wikipedia (ove disponibile)▶ Funzione “Film View” per ottenere immediatamente una panoramicasui film in prima e seconda serata▶ Link diretto ai trailer dei Film▶ Gestione canali preferiti▶ TimeLine evoluta con visualizzazione semplificata deglieventi.▶ Funzioni “ora in onda” e “da vedere ora"per visualizzare iprogrammi in trasmissione o che stanno per iniziarePer interagire direttamente con gli sviluppatori ed esser sempreaggiornati sulle ultime novità ecco la pagina facebook dedicataall'app: Free TV Guide isthe most complete guide of the Italian TV scene, which is nowintegrated with Video Cloud Vcast to record digital terrestrial TVprograms (for supported channels) and review them in streaming ordownload them to your device.Super Free TV Guide provides programming up to 5 days and is theonly one to offer help store highly detailed information for anyprogram broadcast on major television platforms (Sky, MediasetPremium, Rsi, TNT).In fact, it does not simply reports the simple broadcasters programguide but offers comprehensive description for each broadcastevent.Through integration with Twitter, you can also follow the tweets ofusers for major sports and current affairs programs.The integrated chat app allows you to comment on real-timeprograms.If available you can activate the vision of the programstream.Main features:▶ Homepage with panoramic on the first and second evening, withposters Movies posters and TV Series▶ REC button directly within individual programs (for supportedchannels only), to register quickly with a single tap.▶ Viewing streaming of recorded programs, with the possibility todownload them to your device.▶ Instant playback of the steps Film and "subsequent episodes" ofTV series▶ Complete card of the films with plots, posters, score assigned bycritics and full cast of photos, biography and the character playedWikipedia (where available)▶ Full Card TV series with posters, score, series plot andstoryline episode, complete with photographs cast, character playedand biography Wikipedia (where available)▶ Function "Movie View" to immediately get an overview of the filmin the first and second evening▶ Direct link to the Movie trailer▶ favorite channels management▶ TimeLine evolved with simplified view of events.▶ Functions "now airing" and "to be seen now" to view a broadcastprogram or about to startTo interact directly with the developers and be up to date on thelatest news here is the Facebook page dedicated to the app:
MindColors Test 1.0
Find out how to face problems and besuccesful!You’ll be amazed by the correctness and usefulness of theanswers you’ll get!Mind Color Test is a personality test based on chromaticstimuli: each colour corresponds to one of your differentpsychological dimension and to a different attitude. The resultsyou’ll get by taking the Mind Colors Test describe your behaviourand your way of reacting to different situations. That’s whyanswers will change according to your feelings and to thesituations you’re living.Use Mind Color Test to know your state of mind and thestrategies to face problems in the best way!How’s going to be your day? How should you behave in animportant meeting? What should you do to achieve a difficulttask?Mind Color Test underlines the strong as well as the weak pointsregarding a certain situations, and then gives you a usefulinformation about the strategies and the attitudes to enhance or tochange in order to achieve the goals you set.Eight colours (Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Brown, Purple, Grey,Black) with precise chromatic composition have been chosen: 28couples have been obtained by mixing them up. You will be showneach couple singularly, according to a definite sequence: pick thecolour you like best for each of the 28 couple. You must alwayspick your choice, since – no matter how slightly – you will alwaysprefer one colour.Picking a colour is not an “absolute” preference, rather, it isa relative choice between two colours.When the test is over, a report will be processed according toyour answers: you can either save it for further comparison or haveit sent via email.
Amerigo it’s a file manager that supports multiple cloud services
KYMS - Keep your media safe
Kyms hide and encrypt your media behind a working calculator
Crop Challenge
Get into or avoid the crop to take beautiful pictures! Easycontrolsand satisfying physics!
Bullet Royale 0.1
Grab ammo and shoot in streaks!